
Steeplechase may look at first glance like a gentle and relaxed ride but it really isn’t. This isn’t an experience for the faint-hearted and we have seen many wobbly-kneed thrill-seekers dismount at the finishing post.
The Steeplechase is a three-tracked rollercoaster that was custom-designed and built by American manufacturing and engineering company Arrow Dynamics. The ride was opened for business in 1977 by legendary three-time Grand National winner Red Rum whose hoof print is displayed close to the exit of the ride. This is now the only remaining steeplechase rollercoaster operating in the world and this in itself makes a ride essential for any self-respecting rollercoaster fan.
The ride may seem quite unassuming but it really isn’t. Riders sit atop a horse-shaped vehicle which is mounted fairly high above the rail and each ‘horse’ can accommodate up to two people. This ride contains two chain-lift hills and the course of the track takes it around sections of the Big Dipper and close to The Big One.
The ride takes the passenger on a series of dips and rises as well as many twists and turns, however while these are of no great height, the nature of the position of the rider makes this seem a scarier ride than it actually is.
Like Grand National, this is a ride which sees riders race alongside other riders on parallel tracks and it really is an enjoyable experience, however like we have already mentioned, don’t be fooled into thinking that this is a gentle ride.
Our Thrill Verdict
This ride doesn’t reach any great heights or attain any fast speeds but it is nevertheless great fun. The upright position of the rider makes this a real thrill for the unwary and it does actually seem as though you are speeding along. This is one of the must-ride attractions at Blackpool Pleasure Beach and we give it a Thrill Rating of 4.1